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Article Index


* Where no sponsors are named, it is assumed the parents were the sponsors.

Paul BACHMAN                         Heinrich
Elizabeth                          March 4, 1837
August 6, 1837

June 3, 1839
June 30, 1839

John  BAKER                         Ellenora
Sara                              February 12, 1872
May 26, 1872

Johann  BAUER                         Jacob                                   The Mother
Polly GLANTZ                         February 21, 1829
July 1, 1829

John  BEER                         (Name Omitted)
Anna Maria                          May 23, 1836
August 26, 1836

January 10, 1838
February 1, 1838

April 3, 1843
May 20, 1843

January 29, 1848
June 29, 1848

December 14, 1850
February 16, 1851

August 28, 1853
October 22, 1853

Mary Ann
July 20, 1856
August 26, 1856

Daniel BEHLY                         Johannes                Johannes SCHUCKER
Elisabeth                          March 15, 1830               Margareth
September 5, 1830     

Petrus BEHLY                          Daniel                     Heinrich Schaffner
Maria                               December 22, 1830          Maria
March 19, 1831

Johannes BERKHAUS                    Mary Ellen                
Catharina                          December 8, 1853
December 24, 1854

Jacob  BISH                          Heinrich               Johannes Yaeny
Elisabeth                          January 30, 1838               Margaretha
April 15, 1838

Johann                              Johannes Heim
November 9, 1839                    Elisabeth
May 20, 1840

Elisabeth                          Georg Wolfgang
April 25, 1842                         Elisabeth
May 5, 1842               

Jacob                              Jacob Heim
April 12, 1844                         Catherina
May 27, 1844

John Dieter                          Johann Dieter Wolfgang
June 8, 1846                         Magdalena
September 20, 1846

June 1, 1851
July 6, 1851

June 15, 1853
July 3, 1853

November 30, 1855
March 16, 1856

David Wesly
January 15, 1858
March 9, 1858

Sarah Rachel
May 29, 1860
August 26, 1860

Paul  BISH                          Christina Louisa
Elisabeth                          February 11, 1862
April 6, 1862

Henry  BISH                         Carolina Elisabeth 
Fyanna                               February 24, 1863
April 4, 1863

Mary Catharina
April 15, 1865
June 25, 1865

William Jacob 
March 30, 1870
May 1, 1870

John Edward
April 10, 1872
May 12, 1872

Dieter BISH                         Mary Ellen
Mary Jane                          April 29, 1872
May 26, 1872

Michael BISH                         Lewis Alexander
Margaretta                          March 16, 1871
April 15, 1871

Joseph  BOTTORF                     Christian               Christian HEIM
Maria                              September 16, 1830          Christina 
October 30, 1830

Benjamin  BOTTORF                     Catharina
Sarah                               November 10, 1840
January 1, 1841

Amos  BOTTORF                    Susanna Elisabeth 
June 21, 1862
June 28, 1862

Ida Salinda
August 9, 1863
November 10, 1865

December 22, 1867
June 27, 1868

Isaac  BOTTORF                         Benjamin Franklin
Catharina                          August 16, 1862
September 21, 1862

George Henry
April 11, 1866
July 22, 1866

George   BOYER                         Maria
Elisabeth                          August 6, 1841
August 27, 1841                    

Johannes BROSIUS                    Maria                    Johannes THOMAS
Lidia                               December 16, 1832          Christina
February  9, 1833

Petrus BROSIUS                     Elisabeth 
Lea                               April 5, 1835
May 31, 1835

Elisha BROSIUS                         William Isaac
Rachel                               August 4, 1860
September 21, 1862

Malvern Ellsworth 
December 11, 1870
January 25, 1871

Johannes  BUHER                    Adam
Elisabeth                          September 14, 1828
September 20, 1828

Salome ? ?               David  HEIM
June 17, 1830               Salome
September 3,1830

John  BURKHAUSER                    James Edwin 
Bp. Nov. 14, 1868

Johannes BURKHART                    Margaret                Margaret  BURKHART
Elisabeth                          May 7, 1845
June 29, 1845

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