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Article Index

Rec# Name Birth Death Residence Age Father Mother
51 Humphrey, John F. 12-12-1856 1-30-1927 Reidsburg 70    
52 Pollock, Robert 6-18-1842 1-30-1927 57 N. 4th, City 84-7-12 Charles Pollock  
53 Powell, J. Frank   1-9-1927 E. Main Street 71    
54 Nair, Mary Ellen 2-9-1858 1-12-1927 8th Ave, City 69-0-3 Wm R. Nair (VA) Elinor V. Wilkin[s?]
55 McClune, Mary Frampton 10-22-1858 1-14-1927 8th Ave, City 68-3-22 Hugh Frampton Pauline Magee
56 Cramer, Mary Almeda 12-4-1926 2-25-1927   2 mos 21 days Percy Cramer Almeda Dehmer
57 Canon, Mrs. Adda B. 5-19-1887 3-6-1927 Strattonville 38-9-18 Thiron Bly Elizabeth Brecht
58 Claypoole, Miss Mary R 5-14-1843 4-3-1927 R. D. Clarion 83-11-19 Geo Claypoole Mary A. Claypoole
59 Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth 3-12-1852 5-12-1927 Miller Residence, City 75-2- David Brisbin Sarah Gourley
60 Smith, Alfred A 2-22-1916 5-26-1927 Clarion 11-3-4 Harry Smith Gladis Woods
61 Yeaney, Nancy C. 9-11-1856 5-27-1927 531 Wood St, City 70-8-16 G. W. Cummings Pauline Mills
62 Sieberkrob, Ralph Edward 4-27-1917 5-28-1927 S. 5th Ave, City 10-1-1 R. H. Sieberkrob Grace Ruth Eck___
63 Smith, Clinton S. 12-22-1844 5-29-1927 Campbell Ave, City 82-5-6 George Smith (Germany) Mary Firti[g?]
64 Daugherty, Donald E 3-17-1927 5-__-1927 Fisher 2 mos 18 da George Daugherty Cieley Shaff___
65 Aldinger, John 12-25-1841 6-21-1927 Clarion 85-5-26 Peter Aldinger (Germany)  
66 Stover, Wm Alexander 4-21-1849 7-11-1927 Clarion 78-2-20 Samuel Stover Margaret Craig
67 Reaghart, Joseph E. 4-13-1856 4-13-1856 [sic] Clarion Twp 71-3-2 William Reaghart Benner
68 Reighard, Harry 5-14-1906 7-21-1927 Strattonville 21-2-7 S. C. Reighard Mary A. Powell
69 McNaughton, Earl   8-6-1927        
70 Sloan, Mrs. Hulda 2-3-1853 9-6-1927 Clarion 74-7-4 Peter Snyder Eliza Lash
71 Saxton, John P.   9-26-1927 Clarion Twp (5th Ave) 73-4-0 Jesse Saxton Katherine Mays
72 Dole, Albert F 7-9-1876 10-10-1927 Strattonville 51-3-1 John J. Dole Clara A. Kennedy
73 Watkins, Nancey J.   10-13-1927 Liberty St, City 91    
74 Edwards, Mary L. 10-6-[19]27 11-12-1927 Clarion Twp 1 month George Edward Mary A. Crosson
75 Fagley, Mrs. Ella Hartle 2-28-1889 11-15-1927 Clarion 38-8-17 Bernard Hartle Eliza. Peltz
76 Henry, Dorothy 1-2-1917 11-20-1927 Main St, City 11-20-27 Harry S. Henry Mimmie B. Saxton
77 Walters, Mrs. Clara May 3-11-1895 11-24-1927 Strattanville 32-8-13 Thomas J. Hughes Mary Darr
78 Hughes, Mrs. Mary Margaret 9-2-1858 11-24-1927 Fisher 69-2-12 Robert Barr  
79 Campbell, Mrs. Fannie Jane 6-10-1853 11-25-1927 Main Street, City 74-5-15 James Hampton Fannie Alcorn (Ireland)
80 Buckingham, Mrs. Elizabeth 6-24-1838 11-28-1927 Main St, City      
81 Foster, Mrs. Anna Pearl 1-21-1879 1-5-1928 520-1/2 Main st, City 48-11-15 Craig Rankin Della Fleming
82 Williams, John Edgar 9-2-1888 1-8-1928 Sligo 40-4-6 John Williams Florence Wensel
83 Mercer, John M 8-2-1875 1-13-1928 Clarion 75-5-11 Daniel Mercer Lucetta Fagley
84 Montigny, Mrs. Margaret b.1858 in Belgium 1-18-28 Fisher 69    
85 Davis, William F. 4-14-1884 1-27-1928 Clarion 43-11-13 Gilmore Davis Barbara Day
86 Early, Mrs. Margaret J. 2-9-1847 2-7-1928 County Home 81-11-28 David  
87 Stahlman, Mrs. Christina A.   2-14-1928 Clarion 65-1-2 Phillip Shoemaker Caroline
88 Curll, Constance Larue   3-27-1928 Reidsburg 15    
89 Libby, William A. 1872 3-27-1928   56 David Libby (ME) Elizabeth Riffl
90 Boyles, Colonel James C. 9-15-1869 3-29-1928 Wassaw, N. Y. 58-6-14 Robert M. Boyles Margaret Bollman
91 Reed, John Clinton   3-31-1928 Strattonville   Thomas Reed Rebecca Fulton
92 Crispin, Mrs. Bertha Elizabeth 10-21-1870 4-8-1928 Strattonville 57-3-17 Robert B. Corbett Mary E. Coleman
93 Daugherty, Mrs. Elizabeth A 5-22-1859 4-10-1928 Fisher 68-10-18 Barnhart Sellinger Matilda Young
94 Carter, Frank Jr. 3rd [sic] 10-3-1924 4-19-1928 Clarion 3-6-17 Frank Carter Sr Twila V. Morrison
95 Huefner, Valentine 7-19-1848 4-29-1928 Clarion 79-9-10 George Huefner Barbara Newland
96 Johnston, James Lowery 9-15-1862 5-11-1928   65-5-26 James E. Johnston Margaret Young
97 Holzher, Mrs. Maria 9-1-1854 5-15-1928 Clarion 73-8-14 Godleb Kramer Constance Lobmille[r?]
98 Fultz, Betty Berniece 2-27-1927 5-18-1928 Clarion 1-2-21 Samuel Fultz Margie Eisenman
99 Myers, Wm D.   5-28-1928 Rositer      
100 Cole, Mrs. Mary 12-6-1874 6-13-1928 Clarion 54-6-6 John McQuestien Mary Povrmain
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