The plan followed in this second section of the Centennial History was first noticed in the History of Erie Presbytery (1868) by S. J. M. Eaton. Here the names of the ministers which have been members of Presbytery are not placed in alphabetical order, but rather in their chronological order. Each man is listed as he became a member of the Clarion Presbytery. However, the first three names recorded were never members of this Presbytery, but were the pioneers who first labored in this territory where later Clarion Presbytery was established.
The first two names, John McPherrin (1) and Robert McGarraugh (2), were members of the Presbytery of Redstone, and were sent into this territory, then known as Stump Creek, as missionaries. And it is from their labors among the early settlers that the first Presbyterian Churches were organized.
The third name mentioned, David Barclay (3), was a member of the Presbytery of Blairsville, and came of his own accord and settled in that region later known as Jefferson County. And it is from his effort that the first Presbyterian Church was started in the vicinity of Punxsutawney.
After these three names, then follow the names of the first four ministers that were set over by the Presbytery of Allegheny to form the new Presbytery. And thereafter the names are added as they became members of the Presbytery, either by ordination, or by reception from other ecclesiastic bodies.
Immediately under the name of the minister, when possible, certain numerals have been placed, which give the length of time that man has served as a clergyman. The first date being that of either licensure or ordination, when known. And the second date is the time of his death.
The sketches of the Churches have been secured directly from the Sessional records, in most cases. In some instances they were given by either the pastor or clerk of the local church, and in many instances they were secured by personal visitation by the Historian in the local congregation.
Many of the "Sketches" were started by Dr. James S. Elder, who for thirty years filled the office of Stated Clerk of the Presbytery. Others were started by Dr. Hugh Fraser Earsman, also Stated Clerk of the Presbytery for a number of years. For many years it was known that Dr. Elder had a book of Sketches, but the book was lost. So Dr. Earsman, in a very able manner, endeavored to supply this need by starting a "Sketch Book" of his own. When in a most unexpected manner the original book by Dr. Elder was discovered. Naturally there were some duplications in these two early records. In the year 1911 the Rev. John H. Cooper became the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery, and filled this office in a masterly manner for twenty-three years. From the records left by these three Stated Clerks much of this material has been gathered. All duplications have been omitted, the various records carefully compared,and the data brought up to date.
Errors may have crept in, names may have been omitted unintentionally, sufficient credit may not have been given in some instances, and incorrect dates might appear in these records. But as far as it was possible every effort was made to secure correct dates and data. The Historian personally made many visits to various fields to check on data that seemed to be confusing or incomplete. Libraries have been visited in search of missing material, and innumerable letters have been written trying to secure certain facts. Still there are lamentable blanks in these records which it seemed impossible to fill.
The Historian has enjoyed this research, and does not begrudge either the time or energy that has been expended in trying to prepare a Centennial History which will be of real value in later years. We are especially indebted to Miss Anna Britt and to Miss Jane Orr, members of the Greenville congregation, who willingly gave of their time to proof-read the manuscript of the Centennial History before it went to press. Their valuable suggestions and cooperation have made this task more pleasant.