Certificates for Regular Attendance
In order that pupils secure these certificates, teachers must have kept a careful record of their attendance. A pupil who has been tardy is not eligible to get this certificate. We are quite sure that some teachers report pupils who have been tardy as honor pupils. This is a violation of the spirit of this plan. Please report for this kind of certificate only those pupils who have been neither tardy nor absent. The certificate certifies that the pupil to whom issued was neither tardy nor absent.
We shall furnish this certificate to all pupils who deserve them and must rely on the teacher for the evidence.
You will notice several pictures in this issue of the directory of pupils who have earned especial distinction in the matter of regular attendance. A pupil who can attend school, especially in the rural communities, for four, five and six years without being tardy or absent, has earned for himself a place among the honored heroes or heroines of our land and we are glad to honor them n this small way. We expect to keep these cuts and at some later time, when we have a larger number of cuts, use them in a book in honor of these little heroes.