After you've read through this section, be sure to locate and read the list of addresses, phone numbers, Web site URL's, and opening hours available in this Web site's "Research Aids" section.
- The Clarion County Historical Society has a nice
library with over 1,500 books, numerous manuscripts donated by researchers,
cemetery transcriptions that have been done in the county, and vertical
files of all correspondence and miscellaneous items donated by researchers.
It also has microfilm (and some hard-copies) of early Clarion
County newspapers. Before you go, take advantage of the research-by-mail
program. The house and library are only open during limited
hours, but you can arrange an appointment. A list of the library's holdings is in
progress on this Web site.
- The Clarion Free Library has a few genealogy-related
materials in its collection. It
is only a short walk from the CCHS library and courthouse. Its
major resource is newspapers on microfilm and Clarion County census
on microfilm. A list of newspaper holdings is available in this
Web site's "Research Aids" section.
- The Eccles-Lesher Memorial Library in Rimersburg
is developing a very nice collection of materials for southern Clarion
County (formerly Armstrong) research.
- The Knox Borough Library has a small collection
of genealogical research materials.
- The Foxburg Free and New Bethlehem Area libraries
have very limited genealogical resources.
- The LDS Family History Center in Clarion County
is located in Knox.
- The Butler County Library, located in Butler, about
an hour away from Clarion, has a very nice genealogy collection.
- The Oil City Library in Venango County has a very
good collection of genealogical materials that can be useful for researchers
in the northern section of Clarion County.
- The Arthur Library in Brookville has an outstanding
local history reference collection.
- The Armstrong Historical Society's library in Kittanning
is a wonderful place to do research.
- The Carnegie Library, in Pittsburgh, is the best
regional repository in Western Pennsylvania. There are several other
historical collections located within a couple of blocks of Carnegie.
And, the adjacent museum is a fabulous place for kids and spouses
to spend time!
- The Western PA Historical Society has a nice collection
of research materials at its headquarters in Pittsburgh, but the best
Western PA genealogical resources are in the Western PA Genealogical
Society's Library, which is housed at Carnegie in the Pennsylvania Room.
- The Drake Well Museum in Titusville has a local
history section.