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Research Aids

Transcribed by Mary Platt.  Request for permission to use went unanswered.  No copyright infringement is intended.

Mary M. Schill, Teacher
School Board:  William J. Lander -- Barney Hartle -- John Zeitler -- John D. Hartle -- Zeno Schill -- F. S. Schill
Rose Baker
Ruthe Baines
Lizzie Weaver
Flowrean Herring
Ima Mays
Alice Baines
Lory Strickenber
William Baines
Russell Baker
Wayne Whisner
George Baker
Emma Hartle
Florence Baker
Goldie Vancamp
Elenora Judy
Alma Mays
Edward Hartle
Walter Judy
John Judy
Clarence Mays
Harry Whisner
Joseph A. Zeitler, Teacher
School Board:  William J. Lander -- Joseph Ochs -- John Zeitler -- John Hartle -- Barney Hartle  (District No. 3)
Edward Hartle
Irene Myer
Roemer Buehrle
William Baines
Ima Mays
Howard Bish
John Judy
Rosa Risinger
Ruth Baines
Clarence Mays
Daisy Bish
Lizzie Weaver
Charley Reninger
Flowrean Herring
Bertha Reninger
Charley Risinger
Russell Baker
Alma Mays
Florence Baker
Daniel Eckel
Annie Weaver
Emma Hartle
John Risinger
Goldie Van Camp
Elenora Lutz
George Baker
Mildre Mays
Helen Eckel
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Unless otherwise indicated, all content and images contained in this domain path [] are copyrighted exclusively to Billie R. McNamara.  All international rights reserved. All material donated by others or located on-line is identified, and copyright in those items is vested in the owner(s).  No copyright infringement is intended by the inclusion of Web-available information on this site for the benefit of researchers.

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