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Research Aids

The following commentary was prepared by this site's Webmistress.

  • The current land plat book, available from the Clarion County Courthouse (Clarion, PA 16214), is an inexpensive and excellent resource for tracing the present-day location of land.
  • County and township road maps are available from the County Road Superintendent, Clarion County Courthouse, Clarion, PA 16214.
  • Charles Reeves, a professional cartographer whose hobby is genealogy and history, designed some of the outstanding maps found on this site.  He recently wrote,
    I have ordered the US Census files for all of the US.  So, I will be able to do any county in the U.S. with detailed street and landmark info, if desired.  I did your Clarion Co. map from USGS data I downloaded, which doesn't include attribute names (streets, landmarks, etc.).
         Also, the USGS is uploading their 7.5 degree (1:24,000 scale) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data to their FTP site.  I used the 1:100,000 data to generate the relief map of TN.  This means that I will be able to create much higher resolution relief maps.  I'm also looking at a program that will automatically generate 3D terrain images from these data, as well as fly-through QuickTime 3D movies.
    Please contact Charles about your mapping needs -- your own research, books you're writing, family reunions, etc.  His work is outstanding, and his prices are extremely reasonable.  He can do maps of just about anything you want!
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