This information was transcribed, submitted by, and copyrighted to Linda M. Stitt.
Information appears as follows:
- Number of dwelling house in order of visitation
- Number of family in order of visitation
- Name (Each person whose place of abode on April 1, 1930, was in this family) (include every person living on April 2, 1930. Omit children born since April 1, 1930)
- Relation (relationship of person to head of family)
- Home Data: Home owned or rented; Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if rented
- Radio set
- Does this family live on a farm
- Sex
- Color or race
- Age at last birthday
- Marital condition
- Age at first marriage (whether married twice or not, it wants the first marriage age)
- Attended school or college any time since Sept. 1, 1929
- Whether able to read and write
- Place of Birth (person, father, mother), all born in Pennsylvania, unless otherwise noted)
- Citizenship (whether able to speak English) (noted only those not able to speak English)
- Language spoken in home before coming to the United States (or language spoken in home before coming to the U.S. -- noted these only on those applicable)
- Occupation/Industry
- Employment
- Veteran
- War (what war or expedition)
Note: Enumerator lists some children as not speaking English. Most often these are ten years of age and under, and at the bottom of the page for this column it is listed for those ten years of age and over. There are a few errors in listing also.
1/1 (as enumerated, dwelling one, first family visited)
- Bloze, Adrian M.
- head of household
- rents, $15 a month
- , (signifies he does not have a radio)
- does not live on a farm
- male, white, age 42
- married, married at the age of 26
- did not attend school or college anytime before Sept. 1, 1929
- is able to read and write
- , , , (signifies all born in Pa.)
- occupation is a Tool Dresser/ Gas Well
- is employed
- is not a veteran
1 to 42 are listed as residing along State Road
Sheet 1A,
page 214
Enumerated April 3, 1930
Bloze, Adrian M., head, R, 15, , no, m, w, 42, m, 26, no, yes, , , , ,
Tool dresser/gas well, yes, no
Clura, wife, , , , no, w, f, w, 36, m, 21, no, yes
Loyne C., son, , , , no, m, w, 15, s, , yes, yes
Martha I., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 13, s, , yes, yes
Fannie O., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 11, s, , yes, yes
Blaine A., son, , , , no, m, w, 9, s, , yes, yes
Thelma R., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 6, s, , no, no
Daniel R., son, , , , no, m, w, 3-3/12, s, , no, no
Verna R., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 2-0/12, s, , no, no
Hepler, Guy W., head, R, 5, , no, m, w, 23, m, 22, no, yes, b. in Pa.,
father b. in Michigan, mother b. in Pa., yes, loadner (sic)/mines coal,
yes, no
Hepler, Irene M., wife, , , , no, f, w, 22, m, 21, no, yes
Elizabeth S., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 1/12, f (sic), , no, no
Bish, Charles E., head, R, 8, R, no, m, w, 33, m, 19, no, yes, , , , ,
loadner/mines coal, yes, no
Bish, Daisy, wife, , , , no, f, w, 29, m, 18, no, yes
Bish, Charles E., Jr., son, , , , no, w, 9, s, , yes, yes
Bish, Betty J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 6, s, , yes, yes
Bish, Robert H., son, , , , no, m, w, 3-7/12, s, , no, no
Aikins, Lawerence W., head, R, 8, , no, m, w, 30, m, 22, no, yes, , ,
, , laborer/Tile work, yes, no
Aikins, Mary E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 26, m, 18, no, yes
Aikins, Garfield V., son, , , , no, m, w, 9, s, , no, no
Aikins, Marl W., son, , , , no, m, w, 6, s, , no, no
Aikins, Virginia V., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 4-9/12, s, , no, no
Aikins, Lawerence Jr., son, , , , no, m, w, 3-4/12, s, , no, no
Aikins, Lavada J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 1-5/12, s, , no, no
Aikins, John T., son, , , ,no, m, w, 5/12, s, , no, no
Wiant, Catherine L., head, O, 3500, R, no, f, w, 62, wd., 17, no, yes,
b. in Pa., father b. in Germany, mother b. in Germany, German, yes, not
Wiant, Maude V., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 40, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes,
Semesters (sic)/glove factory, yes, no
Wiant, Henry A., son, , , , no, m, w, 32, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Laborer/Gas
Company, yes, no
Witherup, Foster L., head, O, 4000, , no, m, w, 43, m, 30, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Driller/ Oil and Gas, yes, yes (WW)
Leva J., wife, , , , no, f, w, 38, m, 25, no, yes, b. in Pa., father b.
in Scotchland (sic), mother b. in Pa., , yes, not employed
Hummel, Susan C., sister-in-law, , , , no, f, w, 40, m, 19, no, yes, b.
in Pa., father b. in Scothland (sic), mother b. in Pa., , yes, not employed
Witherup, Betty J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 6, s, , no, no
Houpt, Wallace H., head, O, 15000, R, no, m, w, 39, m, 21, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Driller/Oil and Gas, yes, no
Houpt, Mable C., wife, , , , no, w, 36, m, 18, no, yes
Harold W., son, , , , no, m, w, 16, s, , yes, yes
Clyde R., son, , , , no, m, w, 15, s, , yes, yes
Wilda L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 13, s, , yes, yes
Clare S., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 11, s, , yes, yes
Junior W., son, , , , no, m, w, 8, s, , yes, yes
Dorthy (sic) J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 7, s, , yes, yes
Leah J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 5, s, , no, no
Norma R., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 3-11/12, s, , no, no
Victoria L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 2/-2/12, s, , no, no,
Shick, Samuel, father-in-law, , , , no, m, w, 74, wd, , no, yes, , , ,
, yes, retired, , no
Hepler, Raymond, head, O, 4000, R, no, m, w, 74, m, 23, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, laborer/Insurance Co., yes, no
Hepler, Lizzie E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 67, m, 22, no, yes
Bish, H.(?) L., head, r, 10, , no, m, w, 22, m, 20, no, yes, , , , , yes,
loadener/coal mines, yes, no
Bish Margaret G., wife, , , , no, f, w, 22, m, 21, no, yes
Bish, Ruby R., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 1-0/12, s, , no, no
Sheet No. 1-B, April 3, 1930
Bish, Junior H., son to head, , , , no, m, w, 2/12, s, , no, no
Smith, Andrew W., head, O, 3000, , no, m, w, 61, m, 21, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, laborer/Brick yard, yes, no
Smith, Mary M., wife, , , , no, f, w, 55, m, 17, no, yes
Otto, Carl, head, R, 10, , no, m, w, 28, m, 20, no, yes, b. in Germany,
father b. in Germany, mother b. in Germany, German, (year of immigration
to the U.S. 1905, not naturalized) yes, loadener/coal mines, yes, yes
Iva, wife, , , , no, f, w, 25, m, 16, no, yes
Geraldine R., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , no, yes
Larue J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 6,s, , no, no, b. in Pa., father b.
in Germany, mother b. in Pa.
Betty J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 4-9/12, s, , no, no, b. in Pa., father
b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa.
Iva C., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 3-3/12, s, , no, no, b. in Pa., father
b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa.
Junior C., son, , , , no, m, w, 5/10, s, , no, no, b. in Pa., father b.
in Germany, mother b. in Pa.
Houpt, Wilson T., head, O, 4000, R, no, m, w, 69, m, 21, no, yes, , ,
, , (nothing entered), no occupation, , ,
Houpt, Susanna E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 66, m, 22, no, yes
Fink, William W., head, O, 1000, , no, m, w, 73, m, 32, no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in Ohio, mother b. in Pa., , yes, salesman/seeds (garden),
yes, no
Anna M., wife, , , , no, f, w, 64, m, 22, no, yes
Gertie M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 26, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Waitress/Restaurant,
Theodore R., son, , , , no, m, w, 24, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, laborer/store,
yes, no
James W., grandson, , , , no, m, w, 8, s, , no, no
John W., grandson, , , , no, m, w, 3-9/12, s, , no, no
Fritz, Frank R., head, O, 35100, R, no, m, w, 37, m, 19, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, cutter/coal mines, yes, no
Fritz, Pearl M., wife, , , , no, f, w, 35, m, 18, no, yes
Fritz, June P., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 16, s, , yes, yes
Fritz, Betty L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 11, s, , yes, yes
Harmond, Reynolds, hear, R, --- , , no, m, w, 27, m, 22, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, loadener/coal mine, yes, no
Harmond, Catherine C., wife, , , , no, f, w, 23, m, 18, no, yes
Harmond, Richard, son, , , , no, m, w, 4-6/12, s, , no, no
Harold E., son, , , , no, m, w, 9/12, s, , no, no
Harmond, A. C., head, , , , no, m, w, 61, m, 23, no, yes, , , , , yes,
laborer/coal mines, yes, no
Alice L., wife, O, 2000, , no, f, w, 63, m, 24, no, yes
Fabra, Charles F., head, O, 3300, , no, m, w, 64, m, 23, no, yes, b. in
Germany, father b. in Germany, mother b. in Germany, German, (year of
immigration 1896, not naturalized), yes, laborer/poolroom, restaurant,
yes, no
Alice A., wife, , , , no, f, w, 65, m, 23, no, yes, b. in England, father
b. in England, mother b. in England, English, (year of immigration 1896,
not naturalized), yes, , , ,
Doverspike, Clyde S., head, O, 2500, R, no, m, w, 31, m, 23, no, yes,
, , , , yes, baber (sic)/shop, yes, no
Florence, wife, , , , no, f, w, 27, m, 20, no, yes
Frances J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , no, yes
Yount, Huber H., head, O, 2000, , no, m, w, 37, m, 18, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, tinner/odd jobs, yes, no
Edith F.(?), wife, , , , no, f, w, 39, m, 20, no, yes
Homer C., son, , , , no, m, w, 18, m, 18, no, yes, , , , , yes, laborer/odd
jobs, yes, no
Florence E., daughter, , , , no, f, w,15,s, , yes, yes
Florence A., daughter-in-law, , , , no, f, w, 20, m, 19, no, yes
Brocious, Albert R., head, R, 8, , no, m, w, 26, m, 22, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, carpenter/odd jobs, yes, no
Cora E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 22, m, 18, no, yes
Harold D., , , , no, m, w, 3-4/12, s, , no, no
Lorraine L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 1-6/12, s, , no, no
Biggerstaff, Thomas J., head, R, 15, , no, m, w, 44, m, 25, no, yes, b.
in Pa., father b. in Ireland, mother b. in Pa., , , , , yes, laborer/railroad,
no, no
Goldie C., wife, , , , no, f, w, 37, m, 18, no, yes
Geraldine, daughter, , , , no, f, w, 18, s, , yes, yes
Ray T., son, , , , no, m (?), w, 16, s, , yes, yes
Crawford, Mary E., head, O, 1000, , no, f, w, 56, s, 19, no, yes
Reddinger, Hulda A., head, R, 10, , no, f, w, 57, s, , no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in Sweden, mother b. in Sweden, , yes, saleswoman/products,
yes, ,
151/152 (Number out of sequence
Kaster, Sarah, head, R, 20, , , no, f, 10, 77, wd, 26, no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in Ireland, mother b. in Pa., , yes, not employed, ,
Sarah, daughter, , , , no, f, w, 44, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, saleswoman/products,
yes, ,
Sheet No. 2-A, April 4, 1930
Dean, Vilas B., head, R, 10, , no, m, 26, m, 20, no, yes, , , , , yes,
salesman/machinery, yes, no
Enda (sic) M., wife, , , , no, f, w, 23, m, 17,no, yes
Helen I., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 4-5/12, s, , no, no
Elivlyn (sic) L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 3-2/12, s, , no, no
Delbert D., son, , , , no, m, w, 1-8/12, s, , no, no
Heffner, Harold J., head, O, 4000, R, no, m, w,32, m, 29, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, Merchant/Store and Garage, yes, no
Sue A., wife, , , , no, m, w, 25, m, 23, no, yes
Samuel M., brother, , , , no, m, w, 40 s, 28, no, yes, , , , , yes, Merchant/Store
and Garage, , no
Robert S., nephew, , , , no, m, w, 2-11/12, s, , no, yes
Heffner, Samuel J., head, O, 5000, , no, m, w, 77, wd, 29, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Merchant/Store, yes, no
Jennie B., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 48, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Clerk/General
Store, yes, ,
Kunselman, Henry D., head, O, 3500, R, no, m, w, 61, m, 29, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Clerk/Restaurant, yes, no
Bessie D., wife, , , , no, f, w, 49, m, 21, no, yes, , , , , yes, Cook/Restaurant,
yes, ,
Yount, Emma E., sister, , , , no, f, w, 52, m, 19, no, yes
Stroup, Fred K., head, O, 2000, , no, m, w, 65, m, 23, no, yes, b. in
Germany, father b. in Germany, mother b. in Germany, German, (year of
immigration 1884, not naturalized), yes, Tailor/Shop, yes, no
Amanda J., wife, , , , no, f, w, 64, m, 22, no, yes
Nolf, Dessie G.(?), daughter, , , , no, f, w, 32, m, 28, no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa., , yes, Cashier/Store, yes,
Bish, Bruce T., head, R, 8, R, no, m, w, 24, m, 19, no, yes, , , , , yes,
loadener/coal mines, yes, no
Flora E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 22, m, 17, no, yes, b. in Pa., father
b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa., , yes, , , ,
Nolf, Ruben, head, O, 10000, R, no, m, w, 53, m, 23, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, Dealer/Automobiles, yes, no
Thresa L., wife, , , , no, f, w, 51, m, 21, no, yes
Nolf, John W., head, O, 3000, R, no, m, w, 29, m, 20, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, Mechanic/garage, yes, no
Ruth S., wife, , , , no, f, w, 29, m, 20, no, yes, , , , , yes, Bookkeeper/garage,
yes, no
Ruben D., son, , , , no, m, w, 6, s, , no, yes
Holben, Rhoda, lodger, , , , no, f, w, 21, m, 16, no, yes, , , , , yes,
Servant/Private family, yes, ,
Sloan, H. H., head, , , R, no, m, w, 29, m, 27, no, yes, b. in Pa., father
b. in Pa., mother b. in Virginia, , yes, Undertaker, yes, no
Anna C., wife, , , , no, f, w, 26, m, 24, no, yes
Frank J., father, O, 2000, , no, m, w, 62, s (?), 24, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, laborer/odd jobs, no, no
Wyse, James B., head, R, 15, R, no, m, w, 51, m, 21, no, yes, b. in Pa.,
father b. in Scotland, mother b. in Scotland, , yes, foreman/coal mine,
yes, no
Christina, wife, , , , no, f, w, 50, m, 20, no, yes, b. in Pa., father
b. in Scotland, mother b. in Scotland, , yes, , , ,
Kenneth J., son, , , , no, m, w, 24, s, , yes, yes, , , , , yes, Teacher/Rural
school, yes, no
Geraldine I., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 21, s, , yes, yes, , , , , yes,
Teacher/Rural school, yes, ,
Hamilton, Edward A., head, O, 8000, , no, m, w, 71, m, 23, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, retired, , no
Martha H., wife, , , , no, f, w, 55, m, 43, no, yes
Barratt, William, g.son, , , , no, m, w, 9, s, , yes, yes
Barratt, Mary V., gd. Daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , yes, yes
Barratt, Thomas J., son-in-law, , , , no, m, w, 44, wd, 27, no, yes, b.
in Pa., father b. in Wales, mother b. in Pa., , yes, Moulder/Western-ouse
(?), yes, no
Nulph William E., head, R, 12, , no, m, w, 53, m, 22, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, Mixer/glass plant, yes, no
Jennie L., wife, , , , no, f, w, 47, m, 17, no, yes
Violet M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 15, s, , yes, yes, , , , , yes, Operator/Telephone
Office/ yes, no
Kiehl, Charles E., head, R, 10, , no, m, w, 36, m, 22, no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in United States, mother b. in Pa., , yes, Cutter/coal
mines, yes, no
Elva A., wife, , , , no, f, w, 37, m, 23, no, yes
Charles W., , , , no, m, w, 13, s, , yes, yes
Orna,(Anna )(?) B., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 11, s, , yes, yes
Paul L., son, , , , no, m, w, 9, s, , yes, yes
Theodore C., son, , , , no, m, w, 5, s, , no, no
Alva L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 3-10/12, s, , no, no
Junior D., son, , , , no, m, w, 2-2/12, s, , no, no
Guthrie, Harry L., head, O, 6000, R, no, m, w, 64, m, 23, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, Agent/P.R.R., yes, no
Mary P., wife, , , , no, f, w, 54/59(?), m, 46, no, yes
Sheet No. 2-B, April 4, 1930
Plummer, James C., father-in-law, , , , no, m, w, 92, wd. 32, no, yes, , , , , yes, retired/none , , no
Van Horn, Frances, head, O, 1200, , no, f, w, 75, wd, 33, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, none, , ,
Van Horn, Tallie A., son, , , , no, m, w, 36, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes,
Electrician/odd jobs, yes, yes (WW)
Rearick, Adnia(?) E., head, O, 1200, R, no, f, w, 59, wd, 19, no, no,
, , , , yes, Seamster (sic)/work for blind, yes, ,
Rose E., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 37, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Seamster/work
for blind, yes, ,
Haines, Grace B., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 29, D, 18, no, yes
Haines, Glendolr (sic), grd. Daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , no, yes
Hepler, William, head, R, 6, , no, m, w, 49, m, 25, no, yes, , , , , yes,
odd jobs/oddjobs, yes, no
Sadie, wife, , , , no, f, w, 49, m, 25, no, yes, b. in Michigan, father
b. in Pa., mother b. in Pa., , yes, , not employed, , ,
Albert B., son, , , , no, m, w, 17, s, , no, yes, b. in Pa., father b.
in Michigan (?), mother b. in Pa., , yes, laborer/farmer, yes, ,
Anthony George J., head, R, 10, R, no, m, w, 37, m, 27, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, Cutter/coal mine, yes, yes (WW)
Olive A., wife, , , , no, f, w, 33, m, 23, no, yes
Jane E., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 9, s, , no, yes
Betty M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , n, yes
James C., son, , , , m, w, 7, s, , no, yes
George R., son, , , , no, m, w, 2-0/12, s, , no, no
42 - to or through 111 is listed as East Main Street
Hollobaugh, Peter G., head, O, 5000, , no, m, w, 56, m, 23, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, laborer/odd jobs, yes, no
Mary E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 55, m, 23, no, yes
Mable B., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 18, s, , yes, yes
Jesse C., son, , , , no, m, w, 14, s, , yes, yes
Richard G., grandson, , , , no, m, w, 3-1/12, s, , no, no
Rachel V., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 21, s, , no, yes
Charles E., grandson, , , , no, m, w. 1/12, s, , no, no
Shick, Boyd A., head, O, 2500, R, no, m, w, 45, m, 22, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, Laborer/Chopping Mill, yes, no
Sara R., wife, , , , no, w, 48, m, 19, no, yes, , , , , yes, Laundress/at
home, , ,
George C., son, , , , no, m, w, 23, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, laborer/coal
mines, yes, no
Calvin E., son, , , , no, m, w, 18, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, laborer/coal
mines, yes, ,
Doverspike, Alonzo H., head, O, 3000, R, no, m, w, 40, m, 20, no, yes,
, , , , yes, Barber/Shop, yes, no
Verna V., wife, , , , f, w, 39, m, 19, no, no
Delvin D., son, , , , no, m, w, 16, s, , yes, yes
Quay R., son, , , , no, m, w, 9, s, , yes, yes
Whited, John W., head, O, 2500, , no, m, w, 68, m, 23, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, loadener/coal mine, yes, no
Whited, Anna E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 62, m, 18, no, yes
Golda G., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 38, D, 21, no, yes, , , , , yes, Servant/at
home, yes, ,
Crawford, Lyle H., grandson, , , , no, m, w, 16, s, , yes, yes
Crawford, Jay N., grandson, , , , no, m, w, 15, s, , yes, yes
Hollobaugh, Jesse C., head, O, 3500, , no, m, w, 50, m, 31, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Laborer/Tile plant, yes, no
Emma L., wife, , , , no, f, w, 49, m, 31, no, yes
Henderson, James M., head, O, 2500, R, no, m, w, 68, m, 22, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Foreman/on railroad, yes, no
Catherine, wife, , , , no, f, w, 76, m, 30, no, yes, b. Nova Scotia, Canada,
father b. Nova Scotia, Canada, mother b. Nova Scotia, Canada, English,
(year of immigration 1896, not naturalized), yes, not employed, no, no
Shick, Margaret, daughter, , , , no, f, w, 40, D, 29, no, yes, b. in Pa.,
father b. in Pa., mother b. in Nova Scotia, Canada, , yes, Teacher/Music,
yes, ,
Marion S., granddaughter, , , , no, f, no, 6, s, , no, no
Pence, Ray H., hear, R, 10, R, no, m, w, 25, m, 21, no, yes, , , , , yes,
Loadner/coal mines, yes, no
Gloda (sic) E., wife, , , , no, f, w, 31, m, 26, no, yes
Walter C., son, , , , no, m, w, 12, s, , yes, yes, , , , , yes, loadener/coal
mine, yes, no (entry as is) (?)
Phyllis M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 10, s, , yes, yes
Albert J., brother, , , , no, m, w, 30, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Cutter/Coal
Mines, , no
Wyse, Andrew C., head, R, 13, , no, m, w, 29, m, 21, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, Cutter/coal mines, yes, no
Alretta L., wife, , , , no, f, w, 29, m, 21, no, yes
Elylra (sic) J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , yes, yes
Sheet No. 3-A, April 5, 1930
Wyse, Delores L., daughter,
, , , no, f, w, 2-5/12, s, , no, no
Anderson, Clarence E., father-in-law, O, 1200, , no, m, w, 71, wd, 25,
no, yes, , , , , yes, retired, , no
Shick, Clarence E., head, R, 8, , no, m, w, 33, m, 21, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, Laborer/rig builder, yes, no
Florence C., wife, , , , no, f, w, 29, m, 17, no, yes
Betty J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 7, s, , no, yes
Phyllis I., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 4-0/12, s, , no, no
Nolf, Clark E., head, O, 2500, , no, m, w, 61, m, 23, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, Painter/Contract, no, no
Nolf, Frank A., son, , , , no, m, w, 31, m, 22, no, yes, , , , , yes,
Painter/Contract, no, no
Edwin C., son, , , , no, m, w, 26, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Painter/Contract,
no, no
Jennie A., wife, , , , no, f, w, 61, m, 24, no, yes, b. in Pa., father
b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa., , yes, not employed, , ,
Wilson, Catherine, head, O, 250, , no, f, w, 66, wd, 20, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, Laundress/at home, yes, no
Hartman, Laura, head, O, 1000, , no, f, w, 72, wd, 37, no, yes
Lerch, Jennie, sister, , , , no, f, w, 71, m, 42, no, yes
Sayers, Dr. C. E., head, O, 8000, R, no, m, w, 62, m, 24, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, M.D./local, yes, no
Margaret M., wife, , , , no, f, w, 41, m, 21, no, yes
Mary M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 19, s, , yes, yes
Charles E., son, , , , no, m, w, 17, s, , yes, yes
Harry E., son, , , , no, m, w, 10, s, , yes, yes
Eugene C., son, , , , no, m, w, 7, s, , yes, yes
Saxton, Luther V., head, R, 20, , no, m, w, 29, m, 24, yes, yes, b. in
New York, father b. in Pa., mother b. in Pa., , yes, Teacher/highschool,
yes, no
Florence B, wife, , , , no, f, w, 29, m, 24, no, yes
Ronald L., son, , , , no, m, w, 2-10/12, s, , no, no, b. in Pa., father
b. in New York, mother b. in Pa., , yes, , not employed, no, no
Stroup, August M., head, R, 10, , no, m, w, 33, m, 19, no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa., , yes, Laborer/clay mill,
yes, no
Orpha, wife, , , , no, f, w, 35, m, 21, no, yes
Ruth S., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 14, s, , yes, yes
Rachel L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 10, s, , yes, yes
57/57 Doverspike, Mary E., O, 1000, , no, f, w, 72, wd, , no, yes
Aaron, Holben, head, O, 2500, , no, m, w, 72, m, 22, no, yes, , , , ,
yes, Butcher/Butcher Shop, yes, no
Caroline, wife, , , , no, f, w, 73, m, 20, no, yes
Marshall, Della R., head, O, 2500, , no, f, w, 46, wd, 27, no, yes
Grace E., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 16, s, , yes, yes
Leroy M., son, , , , no, m, w, 14, s, , yes, yes
Morna J., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 10, s, , yes, yes
Yount, John E., head, R, 15, , no, m, w, 58, m, 19, no, yes, , , , , yes,
Labor/odd jobs, yes, no
Sadie, wife, , , , no, f, w, 57, m, 18, no, yes
Tish (?), John E., son-in-law, , , , no, m, w, 20, m, 19, no, yes, b.
in Pa., father b. in England, mother b. in United States, , yes, Labor/Bake
shop, no, ,
Dorothy M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 19, m, 18, yes, yes
Donald E., gr. Son, , , , no, m, w, 2/12, s, , no, no
Heller, Lewis H., head, O, 1500, R, no, m, w, 76, wd, 25, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, Retired, , no
Pearl M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 44, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Clerk/Post
Office, yes, ,
Doverspike, Sam R., head, O, 3000, R, no, m, w, 67, m, 23, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Barber/Barbershop, yes, no
Lillie S., wife, , , , no, f, w, 61, m, 17, no, yes, b. in Ohio, father
b. in Ohio, mother b. in Ohio, , yes, not employed, , ,
Kiehl, Henry L., head, O, 2500, , no, m, w, 56, m, 41, no, yes, b. in
Pa., father b. in Germany, mother b. in Pa., , yes, laborer/State road,
yes, no
Florence N., wife, , , , no, f, w, 42, m, 27, no, yes
Lewis H., son, , , , no, m, w, 14, s, , yes, yes
Isaac W., son, , , , no, m, w, 13, s, , yes, yes
Willis P., son, , , , no, m, w, 8, s, , yes, yes
Dawson E., son, , , , no, m, w, 5, s, , yes, yes
Kenneth R., son, , , , no, m, w, 3-0/12, s, no, no
Wyona M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 21, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Maid/Private
family, yes, ,
Sheet No. 3B, April -, 1930
Kiehl, Christina A., daughter,
, , , no, f, w, 11, s, , yes, yes
Iva V., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 11/12, s, , no, no
Hawthorne, D. M., head, R, 18, , no, m, w, 67, m, 32, no, yes, b. in Pa.,
father b. in Ireland, mother. B. in Pa., , yes, Laborer/coal mine, yes,
Myrtle, wife, , , , no, f, w, 59, m, 24, no, yes, b. in Pa., father b.
in Pa., mother b. in New York, , yes, not employed, , ,
Yount, Jonas H., head, O, 4000, R, no, m, w, 71, m, 29, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, Merchant/grocery store, yes, no
Minvera (sic)C., wife, , , , no, f, w,71, m, 36, no, yes
Ruby M., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 33, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Clerk/(gro),
yes, ,
Paul M., son, , , , no, m, w, 31, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Clerk/grocery
store, yes, no
Ferguson, George H., head, O, 2500, R, no, m, w, 38, m, 19, no, yes, ,
, , , yes, Merchant/General store yes, no
Nellie L., wife, , , , no, f, w, 37, m, 19, no, yes
Marie L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 18, s, , yes, yes, , , , , yes, clerk/General
store, yes, ,
Doris L., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 8, s, , yes, yes
Manhamyer, E. I. R--, head, R, 10, , no, m, w, 30, m, 18, no, yes, , ,
, , yes, Minister/Church, yes, no
Florence B., wife, , , , no, f, w, 31, m, 18, no, yes
Galen, son, , , , no, m, w, 11, s, , yes, yes
Verna G., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 9, s, , yes, yes
Helen I., daughter, , , , no, f, w, 5, s, , no, no
Doris, daughter, , , , no, f, w, 1-1/12, s, , no, no
Smith, Wallace V., head, R, 15, R, no, m, w, 32, m, 18, no, yes, , , ,
, yes, Merchant/General store, yes, no
Minnie, wife, , , , no, f, w, 31, m, 17, no, yes
Howard G., son, , , , no, m, w, 12, s, , yes, yes
Robert A., son, , , , no, m, w, 8, s, , yes, yes
Horn, Ida E., head, O, 2500, R, no, f, w, 63, wd, 20, no, yes
Lonzo E., step-son, , , , no, m, w, 45, s, , no, yes, , , , , yes, Brakeman/P.R.R.,
yes, no
Bish, William E., head