Originally published in the Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society Quarterly.   No copyright infringement intended.

Marriage Notices from the Butler (PA) Eagle, 1872-1879 -- WPGSQ, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 (1974-1975).

Transcribed by James F. and Marcella E. Ritzert.

  • 1873 5/11 John D. Smalley, Clarion Co., to Miss S. Ellen Burtner of Butler Co.
  • 1874 11/17 James W. Barr, Jefferson Twp., to Miss Eva Cussins, Clarion Co.
  • 1875 1/21 Curtis W. Elder, Clarion to Miss Sarah M. Chambers (sister of Florence)
  • 1875 9/16 Samuel John Love, Butler Co. to Miss Sarah Joseph, Clarion Co.
  • 1875 7/1 J. H. Sloan to Miss P. J. Sloan, both of Foxburg
  • 1875 11/18 Jas. S. Kiskadden, Foxburgh, Pa. and Miss Carrie Kepler, Six Points, Butler Co.

Obituaries from the Reformed Presbyterian, 1837-1862 -- WPGSQ, Vol. 8, No. 1 (August 1981).

Transcribed by Dr. James H. Sterrett.

Edition:  Nov. 1850

  • Magee, Martha widow of Robert Magee; had lived in Cumberland Co. PA d. 26 July 1850 in Union congregation in her 53rd year; her dau Mary Ann d. 9 days earlier; left other children.

Edition:  May 1851

  • Craig, Mary Ann d. Clarion PA 29 March 1851 in 26th year, dau of Samuel Henry of Wilkinsburg; left husband and two children.

McKean County and Adjoining Oil Region Deaths -- WPGSQ, Vol. 8, No. 2 (November 1981).

Transcribed by Marge Rodgers.

1898 March 15

  • Death of Jacob Wagner, the old Dutch farmer of Tionesta, who with his sons made a desparate resistance to the attack of a gang of Clarion desperadoes in May 1887.

1898 July 20

  • Death of John T. B. Myers, burgess of Butler, and one of the pioneers of the Oil Creek valley and the Clarion county oil field, at Butler.

1898 August 22

  • Mrs. George Grace, of Paint Twp., Clarion county, fatally injured by explosion of an oil can.

1898 November 14

  • Frank Rookey aged 18 years killed by being caught in the machinery of Fletcher's flouring mill at Knox in Clarion County.

1898 November 19

  • John McCullough, a fireman on the P.&W. killed by a fall from his train near Foxburg.

Rodgers, Sloan, Kennedy, Skillen Bible Records -- WPGSQ, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Winter 1987).

Transcribed by Jane K. Gallagher, Renfrew, PA.

  • Henry Herbett Kennedy born June 8, 1853 Clarion Tp., Clarion Co. Pa.

The Journals of Reverend Robert Ayres, 1785 - 1845, of Maryland, Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania -- WPGSQ, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Spring 1988).

Transcribed by Jean S. Morris.

  • 1841 30 Nov James Mackey was married at Jno. Evans tavern by Rev. Dixson, they will live in Clarion.

Book Review:  Craig Family Papers of Toby Township, Clarion County, Pa. -- WPGSQ, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Winter 1987).

Donated to the WPGS Library by Lillian Norris Shelton.

Michael and Mary (Rudy) Walters, Hugh and Jane (Smyth) Neil:  Ancestors and Descendants by Mae Cowan Smith, Della Cowan Kiser, Twila Cowan Smith, 1987, 139pp. 8 1/2x11; Accobound, illus., no index.  Available from Twila Cowan Smith, 119 S. Toussaint-Portage Road, Oak Harbor OH 43449.

The second family in this genealogy is that of Hugh Neil b. 1776 Ireland d. 1857 Limestone Twp., Clarion Co. Pa. md. Jane Smyth b. 1779 Bester, Ireland, d. 1851 same place.  Hugh was in Walker Twp. Centre Co. Pa. from 1810-1830 and by 1840 he is in Clarion Twp. Armstrong Co. (now Limestone Twp. Clarion Co.).  They had 7 children:  John; Jane; William; Nancy; James; Robert; and Samuel.  There are separate sections on each child.  Other surnames treated are Beck, Orr, McClure, Johnson, Guthrie, Parsons.  Very nicely documented with photographs and court and Bible records.  An index would be of great help for these many families of Western Pennsylvania.

Abstracts from the Raftsman's Journal, Clearfield County, Oct., 1856 - Apr., 1859 -- WPGSQ, Vols. 14, 23, No. 1, 3 (Summer 1987, Winter 1997).

Transcribed by Henrietta S. Malone.

Edition:  Wed 28 Apr 1858 Vol. 4 No. 35

  • Died Alexander Brown on Sunday a week. He was considered the oldest man in Clarion County, aged about 105.  He settled on Piney Creek when the surrounding country was a howling wilderness.

Edition:  unidentified

  • Died on 25 Dec near Wooster OH, Daniel Radebaugh Sr. aged 71 years.  An old citizen of this county Mr. Radebaugh had moved to Clearfield in 1825 and served as a justice of the Peace many years.  He left the residence of his daughter in Clarion County last summer to visit his brother and sisters in Ohio.

Edition:  Tuesday, June 27, 1854 Volume I No. 2

  • Clarion County Assignee's Sale was made in Clarion on Monday 21st ult., of the "Clarion Furnace," "Martha Furnace" and the Reed land," late property of Judge Meyers.  J. N. Hetherington, Esq. purchased same.
  • Died a man named Daniel McDaniels died on Mon 1st last at Sligo Furnace from excessive drinking.

Venango County Obituaries, 1916 -- WPGSQ, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Summer 1986).

Transcribed by Jean S. Morris.

  • Franklin.  Jan. 31 (Special).  David L. Conner, aged 72 died at 5:15 o'clock at his home 614 1/2 Buffalo street.  He was an employe of the Colburn Machine Tool Co. and had been ill about two weeks.  Surviving are three daughters and one son as follows:  Mrs. T. R. Culver of Franklin; Misses Sarah and Ruth, and Samuel at home.  The funeral arrangements are not yet completed, but the body will be taken to Rimersburgh for burial on Wednesday.

Some December, 1907, Marriage Applications, Allegheny County, PA -- WPGSQ, Vol. 1 (November 1974), pg. 48.

Transcribed by Elizabeth R. Taylor.

From the Pittsburgh (Pa.) Chronical Telegraph

  • Clyde M. Buzzard Strattonville - Pearl Metheny Ellwood City.

[Clarion References from] Beechwoods Presbyterian Church, Washington Township, Jefferson County -- WPGSQ, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Feb. 1983), pg. 134.

Transcribed by Margaret C. Smith.

  • 21 Apr 1851 Mrs. Margaret Anderson rec her cert to join Presb. Ch. at Clarion.
    • 7 Febr 1858 John J. Stewart & wife Nancy rec on cert from Pres. Ch. in Clarion
    • 5 Oct 1856 Mrs. Priscilla Christy rec by cert from Pine Grove Church, Clarion Mrs. Jane Hughes rec as above
    • 23 Dec 1864 Sylvester Oppelt & Eliz his wife dism. to unite with Licking Presb. Ch, Presbytery of Clarion