This listing was compiled from various sources. Amendments are always welcome.
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Aaron, Conrad Allison, Robert Ashbaugh, Jacob Baker, Hugh Baughman, Lawrence Best, Michael Bidler, Abraham Black, Levi Bradley, Austin Burnham, Charles C. Callen, Hugh Camp, John Campbell, John Clark, B. B. Clark, Charles Cope, Joel Crow, William Dugan, Josiah Eaton, James Elliott, John |
Forringer, Dewalt Fry, Samuel Gilbert, M. Gold, John Guthrie, John Guthrie, Alexander Hawk, Michael Heller, Jeremiah Henlen, Christian Holben, John Hosey, Matthew Hulings, Marcus Jones, John Kapp, George Kaster, Philip Keely, Daniel Keister, Daniel Lancaster, William Latshaw, Peter Logue, James |
Long, Daniel Lorah, Peter McCray, Alexander McKillip, Matthew McNutt, Robert McQuinte, Patrick Meredith, Thomas Miller, Bernard Miller, Christ C. Miller, John Mimm, Jonathan Neely, Henry Potter, James Reed, John Rhea, Joshua Rice, Paul Rickard, John Rollard, Nicholas Russell, John Seigworth, John |
Shick, Tobias Shoup, John Silvis, Daniel Silvis, Conrad Smith, James C. Stanford, Henry Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Thomas Tippery, Abraham Townley, William Troutman, John Wensel, Jacob West, Hugh Wilson, William Wilson, George Wilson, John Wison, Lewis Zink, Samuel |