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Research Aids
Outline Map of Churches in Clarion Presbytery, 1838

Source: Rev. J. Wallace Fraser, A History of the Presbytery of Clarion of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, ["prepared under the Direction of the Committee on History" circa 1938], pg. 13.

  1. Anita
  2. Big Run
  3. Brockway
  4. Brockway -- Sugar Hill
  5. Brookville
  6. Callensburg
  7. Clarion
  8. Clarion -- New Rehoboth
  9. Cloe
  10. Cool Spring
  11. Corsica -- Pisgah
  12. Curllsville -- Licking
  13. Dagus Mines -- Elkton
  14. DuBois
  15. East Brady
  16. Emlenton
  17. Endeavor
  18. Falls Creek
  19. Falls Creek -- Beechwoods
  20. Fisher -- Mill Creek
  21. Hawthorn
  22. Johnsonburg
  23. Knox -- Edenburg
  24. Knoxdale
  25. Lamartine -- Richland
  26. Marienville
  27. Miola -- Shiloh
  28. New Bethlehem
  29. New Bethlehem -- Greenville
  30. New Bethlehem -- Leatherwood
  31. New Bethlehem -- Oak Grove
  32. Nickleville
  33. Oliveburg
  34. Penfield
  35. Pittsfield -- Rockland
  36. Punxsutawney
  37. Punxsutawney -- Perry
  38. Punxsutawney -- Pleasant Grove
  39. Reynoldsville
  40. Reynoldsville -- Zion
  41. Ridgway
  42. Rimersburg -- Bethesda
  43. Seneca
  44. Sigel -- Mt. Tabor
  45. Sligo
  46. Summerville
  47. Tionesta
  48. Tylersburg
  49. Valier
  50. West Monterey -- Concord
  51. Wilcox
  52. Worthville
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