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Research Aids

Industrial Development has always been critical to Clarion County's economy.  The area played a critical role in logging, iron, and oil during the 19th Century.  In the early 20th Century, coal and glass manufacturing became major employers.

The Lumber Industry

From Caldwell's Illustrated Historical Combination Atlas of Clarion Co., Pennsylvania, published by J. A. Caldwell, 1877.

The lumber and boat building business, a few years since, was very flourishing in this county; but, since the late panic, has rather languished, but the general shrinkage in all prices has enabled the lumbermen to manufacture at a much lower cost, and with the increased home consumption there is a fair profit now in the business.  In the early day of the lumber trade, along the Clarion, square timber was taken out and run to Pittsburgh and sold for three and four cents per cubic foot.  The business has been a great source of wealth to the county, affording employment to the laboring people, and a good and convenient market for the produce of the farmer.  Although the forests are much thinned by fifty years of cutting, yet much valuable timber remains, and will continue for years to come, to add largely to the income of the county.

From History of Clarion County, unknown compiler, published circa 1976.

The large stand of virgin timber in the county attracted the lumberman.  The earliest means of livelihood other than farming were the saw mills that produced lumber, which could be floated to market at Pittsburgh.  The sawmill operations of pioneer days were replaced with larger scale operations, and the Clarion River again helped provide a way to market.

Other lumber industry histories are scattered throughout this Web site.

The Iron Industry

Please use this site's search feature or follow the About Clarion County Local Histories links to find a histories of the iron industry.

The Oil Industry

Please use this site's search feature or follow the About Clarion County Local Histories links to find histories of the oil industry.

Modern Manufacturing

Glass Plant
Modern industries were obviously not discussed in Caldwell's Atlas.  Sadly, Clarion is an economically depressed county at this time.   Major industries that have been a part of Clarion County's economic growth in the 20th Century are the following:
  • Glass manufacturing
  • Coal (strip mining)
  • Tourism
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