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Research Aids

These pictures originally belonged to Mabel Reed Snively, great-aunt of the submitter, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1915 School Highland School Building in 1915

First Class in Highland Township's New School Building, 1914

First Row (l. to r.):  James Maxwell, Ralph Reed, Elsi McLane, Paul Reed, Ruth McClain

Second Row (l. to r.):  Wayne Burton, Gertrude Sterrett, Dick Sterrett, Clarabel Brandon

Third Row (l. to r.):  Archie Imhof, Mabel Reed, Pat Reed, Melvin McCleary, Sarah Carson

Fourth Row (l. to r.):  Professor Audley Mahle, Willard McLane, Joe Reed

1914 - first class
1915 students

Highland Township Students (Graduates?), 1915

(l. to r.):  Wayne Burton, Gertrude Sterrett Troutman, Paul Reed, Williard McLaine Reed, Joseph Reed, Clarabelle Brandon Reed, Dick Sterrett (George W.), John Kiser - teacher

Highland Township School Graduating Class (no date noted)

(l. to r.):  Howard Maxwell, James Reed, Mildred McClain, Nelle Brandon, Nancy McLane

graduating class
1915 graduates

Highland Township Graduating Class, 1915

Back Row (l. to r.):  Wayne Burton, Dick Sterrett, Joe Reed, Paul Reed.

Front Row (l. to r.):  Claribel Brandon, Willard McLane, Gertrude Sterrett

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