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History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers

Edited by A. J. Davis, published 1887

Contents of Volume

Note -- some of the chapters are available on this Web site.  However, the list below links to transcriptions by the Clarion County Historical Society.  There is no back link from there to here, so you will have to use your browser's back function to return to this page.

  Title Status/Transcriber
Chapter 1 Pennsylvania from First Settlement to the Revolution scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 2 From the Revolution to the Present Time scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 3 Topography of Clarion County Gene Shirey
Chapter 4 Geology and Mineralogy scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 5 From the Earliest Period to the Purchase of 1784 Gene Shirey
Chapter 6 From the Purchase of 1784 to the Settlement of the County scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 7 From the Settlement of the County to the War of 1812 scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 8 The War of 1812 Gene Shirey
Chapter 9 From the War of 1812 to the Erection of the County Gene Shirey
Chapter 10 From the Erection of the County to the Iron Era -- 1839-1845 scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 11 The Furnaces Gene Shirey
Chapter 12 From the Iron Era to the Civil War -- 1845-1861 scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 13 The Soldiers of Clarion County in the Rebellion Gene Shirey
Chapter 14 Company H, 37th Regiment -- Eighth Reserve Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 15 Company E, 39th Regiment -- Tenth Reserve Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 16 Companies of the 57th Regiment -- Militia of 1863 scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 17 Company C, 62nd Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 18 Company E, 62nd Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 19 Company F, 63rd Regiment scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 20 Company F, 67th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 21 Company C, 78th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 22 Company E, 78th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 23 Company A, 103rd Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 24 Company B, 103rd Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 25 Company F, 103rd Regiment, P. V. Gene Shirey
Chapter 26 Company H, 103rd Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 27 Company C, 105th Regiment, P. V. Gene Shirey
Chapter 28 Company L, 108th Regiment, P. V. -- 11th Cavalry scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 29 Company K, 148th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 30 Company H, 149th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 31 Company G, 155th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 32 Company H, 155th Regiment, P. V. scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 33 Company K, 155th Regiment, P. V. -- 14th Cavalry scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 34 Company B, 169th Regiment scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 35 Miscellaneous Enlistments scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 36 From the Civil War to the Oil Era -- 1865-1877 scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 37 The Development of Petroleum scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 38 The Lumber and Coal Industries scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 39 From the Oil Era to the Present Time, 1887-1887 scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 40 The Bench and Bar scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 41 Schools scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 42 Churches Gene Shirey
Chapter 43  History of Ashland Township Gene Shirey
Chapter 44 History of Beaver Township Gene Shirey
Chapter 45 History of Brady Township Michael Goughler
Chapter 46 History of East Brady Borough scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 47 History of Callensburg Borough Gene Shirey
Chapter 48 History of Clarion Township Ellis Weller
Chapter 49 History of Clarion Borough scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 50 History of Curllsville Borough scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 51 History of Edenburg Borough Gene Shirey
Chapter 52 History of Elk Township Gene Shirey
Chapter 53 History of Farmington Township Michael Goughler
Chapter 54 History of Highland Township Michael Goughler
Chapter 55 History of Knox Township Michael Goughler
Chapter 56 History of Licking Township Gene Shirey
Chapter 57 History of Limestone Township Ellis Weller
Chapter 58 History of Madison Township scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 59 History of Mill Creek Township Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 60 History of Monroe Township Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 61 History of New Bethlehem Borough Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 62 History of Paint Township Michael Goughler
Chapter 63 History of Perry Township Jae Brown
Chapter 64 History of Piney Township Gene Shirey
Chapter 65 History of Porter Township Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 66 History of Redbank Township Sue Llewellyn
Chapter 67 History of Richland Township Jae Brown
Chapter 68 History of Rimersburg Borough scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 69 History of St. Petersburg Borough Jae Brown
Chapter 70 History of Salem Township Gene Shirey
Chapter 71 History of Sligo Borough Gene Shirey
Chapter 72 History of Strattanville Borough Ellis Weller
Chapter 73 History of Toby Township scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 74 History of Washington Township scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
Chapter 75 Biographical Sketches scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
  Brief Personals (A to B) Gene Shirey
  Brief Personals (C to F) Gene Shirey
  Brief Personals (G to J) scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
  Brief Personals (K to L) scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
  Brief Personals (M to P) scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!
  Brief Personals (R to S) Gene Shirey
  Brief Personals (T to Z) scanned -- volunteer help needed to proofread!

Chapters that are marked "scanned" means that they have been scanned at very high resolution and run through a good OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to produce machine transcriptions.  The quality of these OCR transcriptions is quite good compared to the usual output from scaning and OCR, but they do include some errors, so they have to be proof-read and corrected by a person.

CCHS will be continuing to proof and correct these scans and make them available on-line over the next few weeks.  If anybody is interested in volunteering to help in proof-reading and correcting these scans, please contact Clarion County Historical Society.  (If you want to know more about the quality of these OCR scans to get a better idea of the amount of work for which you'd be volunteering, please feel free to take a look at the uncorrected machine transcription for Sligo Borough.)

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